this is bush. she is hott! you are jealous. i kno u want her lol |

we tomb raid in tombs aka walls and abandoned houses LMFAO |
always remember: If it don't say no, you're good to go! lmfao |
do mennonites masterbate? lol i wonder if they heard me :P |
"if somebody sticks something in you, you're first reaction is to wake up!" hahahaha |
let's go to the "LIBRARY" lol ;) you crazy kid!! |
"why don't boys love me? :( all they do is bruise my BAGINA and leave" lmfao |
let's go searchin for some DeCeNt guys bush! heehee ;) |
*BEEP* killer fan *BEEP* haha >CrAzY tRiPpY fAn< |
i put this one on cuz it's kinda trippy n we did some weird stuff to her hair haha |
oXoXoXo |
swimmin naked in the lake! ~soo free~ lol "let's play in da pond!" |
bush is prolly sayin somethin funny here..like counting down the time my mom is gettin laid EWH lol |
s'more craziness! |
the hott construction guys sang to us! haha *KiNkY dReAmS* |
i'm lickin her cheek! she likes it ;) |
chugalugachugaluga CHOO CHOO! lol :P |
i think this is one of my fav pics of us : ) |
"we live in a metal home...METAL HOME!" hahaha great singing --old ppl makin out-- :P lmao |
bush is one of the most NATURALLY
funny people around. she can take something simple and make you pee your pants laughing over it; that's why
it's so surprising about how amazlingly "deep" she is. i can talk to this girl about like anything
and i know that lotsa people feel the same way too. she's one of the people that i know would never tell my secrets, laugh
at my fears, or ignore my tears no matter how bad things were.
LoVe YoU tOnS ya craaazy girl!
*Tounge Tied And Twisted*
**Just An Earth-Bound Misfit**