hey. *waves* i'm katie. i'm guessin that you already knew
that cuz if you're
visiting this site you're
prolly a friend of
mine but just in case
you're not, here's a little
area all about me!

Kinda Thinger
full REAL name
is Katelyn Laura Robinson, but don't ever
call me katelyn :P you can choose
from like a million nicknames that i have: katie, cindy, dee, keetee, hersh, hey you with the boobs, pail, & lati! Favourite colours are green, pink, and depending
on the mood, sometimes red. I have quite a few celebrity crushes; unfortunately
alot of them are dead :( lol [you
can see 'em on the 'wicked people'
page]...i asked some people to sum me up in a few words
and this is generally what i got: fun
loving, free spirited, caring, goofy, smart but a little slow sometimes,<-HaHa! and sweet. (a
weird mix of stuff :S) I
also got that i'm short, which is
true (not THAT short
tho), i'm 5'4'' haha but
jesse n brad say that i don't count
as being short cuz ne one with boobs
just doesnt...so yay for me!
*Stuff i Like* *Stuff i Don't Like*
sun burns
crayons baths (prefer showers)
MALIBU (rum) posers /fake people
koolaid jammers needles
the dollar store sharks
autumn humidity
fireworks tommy hilfiger store
construction paper the word sorry (tho i seem to use it alot)
movies competitiveness
cute lil mushrooms:) earwigs
music (rock n roll, punk) the movie 'head over heels'
fairies & angels self pitty
flowers (specifically daisies) my fingers & my short nails
sting rays
bubbles (all kinds!)
yellow popsicles
"the greatest thing you can ever learn is just to love & be loved in return."